The Sponsor of this Paper

This paper has been written by Stephen Murgatroyd1 who has spent close to fifty years working in and around schools. He worked with Professor David Reynolds (University of Swansea) on projects related to school effectiveness; with Professor Pasi Sahlberg (Gonski Institute, University of New South Wales formerly Harvard University) on issues of public policy in education; with Professor Andy Hargreaves (Boston College), Professor Dennis Shirley (Boston College), Dr. J.C. Couture (Alberta Teachers' Association) and Jean Stiles (Principal, Edmonton Public Schools) on issues associated with the requirements for creating a great school for all; and with a variety of other collaborators of counselling and teaching young people. He has worked in Britain, Finland, Norway, US, New Zealand and Australia on educational issues and presented at keynotes to educators around the world. He has written and edited several books focused on education, about both schools and higher education, and has been a frequent contributor to other books, journals and magazines. Stephen is based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

1 I am grateful for the advice and assistance of others in crafting this paper - especially Roar Grotvik, Donald G Simpson and J-C Couture. The paper is also influenced by a range of others over the last decade, especially Andy Hargreaves, Pasi Sahlberg, Jean Stiles, Dennis Shirley, Sam Sellar, Carole Campbell, Larry Booi, David King.