Getting Behind The Scenes

If you're desperately trying to get someone's attention, a little research into your other options goes a long way.

"The reality of building tech products is that you have to talk to people who are professionally excited about what you're doing. Whether to understand the real need of a market, or to secure an investment or a lucrative distribution deal, you need to know what's going on behind the scenes.

I wouldn't bet on a startup that hasn't researched the who-is-who of their vertical, market, and potential investors."

- Max Gurvits, investor

Make a list of 100 intros you need, your Max 100. Research:

  • Ideal Customers
  • Potential distribution partners
  • Investors in similar industries, markets and growth methods
  • Companies that have done anything similar to you - for benchmarks and lessons learned
  • Competitors
  • Domain experts (including press)

You'll likely reveal better and closer options than your current pursuits, and you'll be more aware when opportunities arise.