An Introduction

Most great love stories usually start with, "Once upon a time." This story is no different.

Once upon a time a video game developer decided to create a video game. To execute the hugely successful launch of their video game, they began telling the story of the game for years before it actually hit the shelves.

When Destiny was launched on September 9th, 2014, it earned $500 million in sales and was awarded the biggest new franchise launch in that industry's history as well as the accolade of highest-selling day one digital console release in history.

This was no accident.

Bungie and Activision, video game developers, began the process of seeding Destiny to its fan base well before the game was brought to market. They were able to create an emotional connection with their audience so when launch day rolled around, people were ready, waiting and anticipating the release of the game.

What we, as marketers and business owners and creators, need to be doing is actively telling the stories about our companies, products and services that will get people interested. We need to open up and give people a sneak peek into the inner workings of our business to get them invested. We need to show them the reason that we understand who our customer base is and why we're creating this very special thing just for them.

Many companies fail at this piece.

Most companies choose a product or service, design and develop it in-house, gather little to no customer feedback, keep the product or service secret until launch day and then they launch it with the expectation that people will invest in whatever it is they just launched. The old "if you build it, they will come" adage, which most of us know is not true. In a loud and crowded marketplace, you can no longer expect for people to care if you haven't given them a reason to do so.

Your customer base is not going to invest their hard-earned dollars in your product, service or company unless there is an emotional reason for them to do.

Creating the container and eliciting emotional response from your customer base is your company's job.

That's what this book explores. The way in which a video game company wooed their customer base for years before asking them to make an investment and the success they saw because of it.

They were vulnerable.

They told their story.

And now, I'm telling their story. A story about love, marketing and storytelling.