Warning Signs To Look Out For

As you are implementing your programs, watch out for the following "red flags":

A program "does awful"
Some programs flop right out of the gate. Perhaps it was poorly executed; you can make changes and try again. Or perhaps it's better just to kill it. Either way, make sure you know why it didn't work. At least then you'll learn from the experience.

A program "does awesome"
Other times a new program does amazingly well - surpasses your expectations. Just as you would with a flop, be sure to evaluate why it worked well. Is it a one-time flash in the pan? If so, it's great that you got closer to your goal, but it probably isn't something that is predictable.

Customer drop offs, complaints, or "abyss"
If you start losing a lot of customers, receive a lot of complaints, or aren't hearing anything from your users at all (which usually means they're not actively using your product or service) then you probably aren't spending enough time providing a high-quality experience. If this persists or worsens, you may need to take a break from this program and shore up your product.

Lack of team enthusiasm
If you notice that your team is becoming less enthusiastic you need to address it immediately. It could be the result of frustration, unclear longer-term vision, or they could be burned out from working too hard. Either way, you'll want to deal with it immediately and address the problem.

You start losing enthusiasm or feel worn out
You need to be performing at your best. If you find that you're run down, or your enthusiasm is waning, get out of the office. Take a day or two off. Go for a run. Sleep a lot. Do whatever you have to do to be a strong contributor and leader.