• Valued Services: Home performance contractors are a valued and major component of whole
home multiple-measure projects.
• Increased Volume: Retrofits that value home performance are being carried out at a significantly
greater rate, and are in steady demand, resulting in greater energy savings and GHG emission
• Consumer Understanding: Consumers understand the benefits of home performance retrofits,
including more comfortable and durable homes with a higher resale value, and the importance of
selecting a qualified contractor.
• Consumer Resources: There are viable resources and mechanisms for consumers to seek out
industry advice if they have questions or concerns about their certified contractor or their home
performance project.
• Accredited Professionals: There are recognized, accredited professional home performance
contractors available to advise consumers and guide them through the process of home
improvements, often in combination with broader home performance projects.
• Benefits Tools: Home performance contractors have the means to easily estimate customer
benefits and include these benefits as part of their standard offerings of products and services.
• Industry Organization: A contractor-led industry organization represents accredited contractors by
ensuring ongoing, coordinated two-way communication of issues and ideas to utilities and
governments, providing coordinated communication to consumers about the industry, its
members, and its benefits, and working to ensure sufficient capacity and geographic coverage
within the province so consumers have reasonable access to its members.
• Home Performance Education: Building science, product knowledge, and related business
training and support are required and available on an ongoing basis for home performance
contractors and their employees.
• Utility and Government Support: Utilities and Government promote professional home
performance upgrades within renovation projects by providing credibility to potential benefits and
encouraging consumers by giving them information and examples of success.
• Regional and Community Goals and Targets: Cities, regional districts, and municipalities play a
key role at the regional and community level in encouraging residents to participate in home
performance upgrades by setting local goals and targets around GHG emission reductions and
energy savings, along with specific local programs help spur consumers to act.
• Home Labelling System: A well-known and well-understood home labelling system for energy
efficiency is supported by government, utilities, mortgage lenders, the real estate industry, and