As of 2017, the existing homes EnerGuide Rating System energy evaluator industry is the only home performance industry sector in BC that has a requirement for all individuals operating in the field to complete a standardized training for building science and for the administrative and technical tasks involved in delivering energy evaluation services.
The following types of training are currently available:
• NRCan Administered Training: The training for energy advisors is based on a formal set of core competency profiles and training materials for proctored exams delivered through training institutions. Energy advisors and quality assurance specialists are also required to complete a foundation exam with a focus on building science and house as a system principles. The training documents include: ERS Standard, ERS Technical Procedures, ERS Hot2000 User Guide, ERS Administrative Procedures, and ERS Quality Assurance Procedures. Service organization quality assurance specialists and managers are also required to complete a specific set of training requirements.
• Service Organization Administered Training: Service organizations facilitate energy advisors' access to NRCanadministered training materials and exams and provide training, guidance, and oversight on energy advisor field training files. Quality assurance is regularly and continually conducted on energy advisor files, based on NRCan Quality Assurance procedures, to validate the accuracy of their work and to identify where ongoing learning is needed.
• BC Utility Administered Training: The BC utilities adminisrates a Program Qualified Energy Advisor workshop and training guide with a focus on the Home Renovation Rebate Offer and highlighting other existing homes energy advisor service delivery best practices.
• Third Party Administered Training: Energy advisors actively pursue continuing education independently (thermal imaging, building science, etc.) This training is often provided by independent third-party training institutions or organizations.