With a ROI of 2 years we have created a financial incentive to help save the climate.

"We have developed and patented the first and right now the only energy recovery unit for restaurants in the world. The system doesn't need pre-filtration and/or running maintenance. Via a heat-pump we deliver the energy back into the entire building either as heating and/or as cooling. A typical restaurant is saving 10´s of thousands of Euro every year and in average 33 tonnes of fossil CO2. The global potential is that we can save 500 megatons fossil CO2 every year (1% of the global emissions by 2050)."

The system is usually specified by technical HVAC consultants and sold to HVAC installers. But we also sell directly to end customers such as fast food chains and hotels.

We have a strong passion and will to be part of the environmental movement. We believe that a hundred companies around the world could actually save the climate and we are one slice of the elephant. We also believe that there needs to be an economical benefit for the customer to do this. With a ROI of 2 years we have created a financial incentive to help save the climate.

I would feel extremely proud if we could contribute to handing over a better planet to our children. I would also feel proud if we can inspire new start-ups with innovative climate solutions."