Climate justice requires everyone to do their part to eliminate GHG emissions and advance equity goals. Municipalities have an important role to play in advocating for equitable climate action across levels of government.
Case Study: Energy Evolution: Ottawa's Community Energy Transition Strategy
Ottawa's Energy Evolution Plan outlined all the actions the municipality will advance to make progress towards their GHG reduction target. The Plan also recognized that a municipality cannot achieve its GHG reduction target alone, and identified which policy efforts the City of Ottawa needed to collaborate on with the provincial and federal government to advance. Incorporating those alignment policies in the Plan enabled staff to advance the policies with the provincial and federal government. This reduced the need for Ottawa climate staff to have to go back to council to advance policies at the individual level.
Energy Evolution has a full list of the Policy Alignment Opportunities identified for engagement with the provincial and federal level. Such collaboration across all levels of government helps ensure that all are working together to advance equity and climate synergies.