The City of Calgary's Climate Resilience Strategy

An Equity Review of the City of Calgary's Climate Resilience Strategy (conducted by the Toronto Environmental Alliance and Community Resilience to Extreme Weather)

Opportunities to Improve Equity:

  • Putting people at the centre of the Strategy:
    • Put people first, as a central theme, in both mitigation and adaptation plans
    • A range of perspectives, identities, and lived experiences must be considered when developing equitable climate plans
    • A people-centered lens recognizes that residents have different levels of access to technologies to reduce GHG emissions, including energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits, electric vehicles, or safe cycling and walking infrastructure
  • Public transparency, participation, and accessibility:
    • Conduct transparent, understandable, and accessible opportunities for public engagement
    • Long-term opportunities should also be available to allow for ongoing consultation as the Strategy is refined over time
    • Content of the Strategy can be shared with the public in multiple ways to encourage engagement and make the content as accessible as possible
  • The City's relationship with Indigenous peoples:
    • Deepen engagement with First Nations and Metis communities by acknowledging the place names they use
  • The City's leadership and governance roles:
    • While the Strategy will necessarily be a joint effort between the City, stakeholders, and community members, the City must take the lead on:
      • Ensuring equitable funding of climate action
      • Creation of low-carbon jobs

The review identifies further opportunities to centre equity within Calgary's climate mitigation plan, in relation to:

  • Distribution of cost burdens and financial benefits to residents
  • Scope 3 emissions
  • Net-zero homes and buildings
  • Zero carbon energy transition
  • Zero carbon neighbourhoods
  • Consumption and waste
  • Carbon removal

The review also identifies opportunities within its climate adaptation plan, in relation to:

  • Understanding the impacts of climate change on residents and vulnerable populations
  • Built infrastructure
  • Natural infrastructure
  • Water

Additional key recommendations can be found in the review.