King Street Transit Pilot (Toronto, ON)

King Street Transit Pilot (Toronto, ON)


  • The 504 King streetcar is the busiest surface transit corridor in Toronto
  • The pilot began in November 2017 and transformed King Street between Bathurst Street and Jarvis Street into a Transit Priority Corridor


  • 30,000 minutes of travel time are saved by King streetcar customers daily
  • Weekday ridership has grown by 16 percent, from 72,000 to 84,000 boardings per day, supporting TransformTO's goals of low-carbon transportation for all
  • Has also led to an increase in the number of people cycling along King Street, likely because of reduced motor vehicle volumes
  • Due to the success of the pilot, the King Street Transit Pilot was made permanent in April 2019

Equity Implications:

  • Increased transit ridership helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which leads to cleaner air and improved health outcomes
  • More people cycling means additional physical health benefits
  • Higher availability of low-carbon transportation options allows for increased accessibility to jobs, education and other activities