2. Do the maths

All this talk of understanding who you are, your values, your 'why', might seem a bit 'airy fairy' and idealistic. I hope, however, that you'll give me the benefit of the doubt and give yourself the gift of doing this deep exploration work.

Now, THUD! Straight back down to earth, to get real and look at your financial situation. Let's face it, money is going to be top of mind when you're considering leaving behind a stable salary and generous benefits. I want you to dream big but to do that, you first need to understand what you'd need to be earning in your business so you can leave behind that stable salary and, second, you need to understand where you are today when it comes to both your savings and your expenses.

However you arrive at your number, that target income will give you an idea of what you're working towards and what your business idea and model needs to deliver - how many clients, and at what price - for you to make a smooth transition out of your corporate job.

And knowing how much of a savings runway you have, as well as looking at cutting down on your discretionary expenses as much as possible, will give you the peace of mind (or not!) to proceed with your plans.

Of course, if you have a partner, children, or anyone else who will be directly impacted by your choices, then you'll need to consult and consider them in your calculations and adjustments as well.

You'll feel much more secure and free to explore your options if you have a full picture of your personal finances and, if necessary, a plan for how to get them into better shape.