1. Partner with the private sector and other government agencies to implement local and regional electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Participate in the planning and development of a privately owned-and-operated Southern Alberta EV Fast Charging Network.
Partner with private sector companies to expand Level 2 and fast charging public charging stations at City or Civic Partner facilities.
Evaluate the need for publicly accessible charging infrastructure that is inclusive of all mobility choices such as electric bikes, and if appropriate, incorporate such charging infrastructure with other charging locations at City facilities.
2. Develop an electric vehicle education program
Develop web-based and in-person educational programs and materials about electric vehicles and charging options for the general public and businesses.
Explore the creation of an Electric Vehicle Showcase Centre, in partnership with the private sector, to provide the public and businesses with a hands-on opportunity to learn about and test-drive electric vehicles.
3. Collaborate with the City of Edmonton, the Province, the local development industry, and utility companies to identify and analyze options to improve access to home charging for electric vehicles.
Create an EV Readiness best practices website/program for new residential buildings and retrofits.
Analyze and implement potential cost-effective EV Ready requirements (e.g., empty conduit, spare electrical capacity) for new single-family homes, multi-family residential, and commercial buildings, building on best practices from other jurisdictions.
Design and pilot potential options for publicly accessible community charging hubs in locations where home charging is not an option.
Streamline municipal and utility processes to support public and private electric vehicle projects and reduce barriers.
4. Monitor and provide input to new electric vehicle policies and regulations developed by other orders of government.
Participate in Federal and Provincial electric vehicle working groups to guide policy direction.
Advocate the Province of Alberta to replace declining fuel tax revenue (due to EV adoption) with alternative road pricing mechanisms (e.g., vehicle-km-traveled tax) to contribute to municipal infrastructure funding, and to continue to encourage non-automobile travel choices.
Explore and, if appropriate, advocate for the development of a vehicle scrappage program that encourages decommissioning of older, higher emission vehicles.
5. Streamline municipal and utility processes to support public and private electric vehicle projects and reduce barriers.
Amend policies and bylaws to enable businesses better to install and operate Level 2 and fast-charging stations and associated facilities.
Streamline information sharing between The City and ENMAX Power on electrical permit approvals for new EV chargers to enable ENMAX Power to plan infrastructure upgrades proactively.
In collaboration with ENMAX, other utilities and stakeholders, advocate the Province for the development of new electricity rate codes designed to support fast charging for passenger and fleet vehicles.
Partner with taxi, car-sharing, and ride-sharing companies to increase the percentage of electric vehicles in their fleets.