Answering the key questions

Knowing what questions need answering is not the same as knowing who is best positioned to answer each question. For example, questions about relevance (and social purposes) are best addressed by founder members in collaboration with potential product/services users. Users are particularly well placed to consider which products/services they would use, and the ethical, social and environmental impacts from their use. However, once we consider questions regarding feasibility, other groups are better placed.

Providers of labour (suppliers, producers, employees) are better positioned to answer questions about production processes and their contribution to the social goals of the enterprise. Providers of finance capital may be better able to work out the feasibility of financial plans and economic assumptions. The figure above summarises how a successful implementation of the FairShares Model involves each stakeholder to review answers to specific questions they are well placed to answer. The following five learning and development methods are effective ways of working with each stakeholder group, or bringing together stakeholders to take decisions.