FairShares Labs

In late 2016, we started supporting the development of FairShares Labs

FairShares Labs are social enterprise incubators that promote multi-stakeholder design principles. They will spread wealth and power, create ethical products and services, ensure sustainable production and consumption practices which are accountable to stakeholder through social auditing

The EU-funded project to create FairShares Labs has catalysed UK university support. A Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) grant was awarded to Dr Rory Ridley-Duff to form the FairShares Institute for Cooperative Social Entrepreneurship in Sheffield Business School ( http://fsi.coop). This provides a home for further research, knowledge transfer and education projects.

FairShares Labs Will Build on the Work Early Adopters

Working with early adopters in the USA (AnyShare), UK (EvoluteSix), Ireland (Resonate) and Kenya (Human Needs Project) has been key to developing the robustness of the FairShares Model.

In 2018, more early adopters in Canada, New Zealand, Nigeria and Zambia will incorporate their enterprises, and we will undertake work on a constitution for the UK's first Co-operative University...
