Interior Indirect Attack

Tactical Objective

  • Fire suppression to improve tenability for follow-up direct attack and overhaul.

How It Works

  • Water applied to compartment linings, burning fuel, and smoke layer to produce the maximum volume of steam.
  • Steam production reduces temperature, dilutes smoke, and displaces oxygen.



Learning outcomes links:

  • Steam production 5.3,
  • Smoke 2.1.4,
  • Flow path

A Note to Instructors and Students

North American practice has traditionally distinguished between 'Indirect Application' and 'Combination Application' as separate methods of water applicationxiii,xiv based on different nozzle techniques. In contrast, European practice has traditionally grouped methods of water application based on its intended result. These two approaches have resulted in conflicts in terminology and consequently, widespread miscommunication of ideas and misunderstanding of practices. For the purposes of the current text, we have chosen to adopt the European nomenclature based on the concept of the intent of water application.