Floored Attics

Many attic areas contain some floored areas, which present no real problem. It is not advis- able to attempt to blow more than 4 to 6 feet under flooring, so floor boards should be removed approximately every 8 to 12 feet.

Some flooring is difficult to remove because of its nailing pattern. When that is the case, take care during removal to prevent damage to the ceiling surface below.

Since it is difficult to see bracing underneath the flooring, take particular care to ensure that the flow of insulation under the floor is not being blocked. When there is a large amount of bracing or wiring under the floor, it may be necessary to take off several boards in a small area.

Insert the hose approximately 4 to 6 feet under the floor and gradually pull it out as the space fills with insulation. Twist and turn the hose as it is removed in order to ensure complete coverage of the area under the floor.