As you did your research did you get excited about the business opportunity or did you feel like it wasn't for you?
A great way to tell if you're into an idea or not is how much time you spent researching it.
Did you just do the bare minimum 30 minutes online and quickly glance at a book in the library?
Or did you immerse yourself in it and lose track of time because you were so excited about what you were learning?
As an entrepreneur, you're not going to succeed by just doing the bare minimum.
In the table below, write down how much time you think you spent actually researching each idea.
Circle the idea that you spent the more amount of total time on.
This is where you want to start.
You love it, it adds value to people, you committed to doing something about it, you followed through, and you spent a lot of time on it.
You've got all the right ingredients to move on to the next step.