As new parents it can be difficult knowing how to dress our babies (believe me it is still a struggle when they are 8 and want to wear a tiara in a snow storm...I mean I get it but...) for the colder months...all 9 of them. After 15 years of hanging out with my winter babies and of course asking several Pediatricians I do have some suggestions that I hope will be helpful and encourage you to enjoy some fresh air with your little snowflakes! The best and most consistent advice when dressing newborns is use the same layers for them as you are for yourself PLUS ONE.
if you are heading out (hopefully to meet me at Strollercise!)
wearing boots, warm wool socks, leggings, a sweater, coat, hat,
gloves and a scarf, your baby should wear the equivalent, which
means a toasty inner layer (let's hear it for pyjama day), a
snowsuit or bunting bag that covers the hands and feet and a hat,
(not only to prevent heat loss but to protect those little ears
from the wind.) The PLUS ONE can be a blanket (thanks Auntie
Laura!) or a Stroller rain cover. Baby wearing mommas even have
coats that are specifically designed to protect both of them from
the elements, now that's HOT! Knowing whether or not the baby is
too hot or too cold can be as challenging as well getting them into
the stuff in the first place! A great rule of thumb, is taking your
thumb and placing it behind babies neck, if it is damp, then they
are too bundled and at risk for overheating. Best for newborns?
Baby Buntings are perfect if you are out for neighbourhood walks
(ahem Strollercise) and a jacket paired with a hat, mitts and boots
are perfect for in and out of the car.