Ladder Workout

You will challenge your body to this fitness event!! Grab a timer!

  1. Choose between 3-5 Rounds
  2. Do one exercise right after the other and then start again from the top.
  3. Take a break if you need it (you should need it!)
  4. Write down how many rounds you completed and how long it took you total!
  5. Repeat every x days and keep track - I promise that you'll be so happy when you see how much you improve!

Don't forget to put on your favourite music

jules and baby.jpgWarm Up 2 minutes of Jumping Jacks or Spot Running

5 Pushups
10 Reverse Lunges or Split Jumps
15 Tricep Dips
20 Oblique Planks
10-25 Burpees (no push up) WHAT?!!!

Technique tips

When you do a pushup, whether it's from your toes or your knees, make thumb_IMG_2581_1024.jpg sure to keep your car tight, lower your chest (not your nose!) to the floors, and angle your hands inwards.


A great reverse lunge should see your knee bent to 90 degrees, and tracking above your ankle.


Check out these options for tricep dips:

Here's what to go for with an oblique plank


And now for some burpees

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