Opting For Healthy Desserts

If you choose to eat dessert, then opt for a piece of fruit as opposed to a piece of pie, cake or another sugary concoction. Fight temptation by moving away from the dessert table or dessert display as quickly as possible! Another option is to try yogurt mixed with some fruit and granola. By actively monitoring what is on your plate during a business luncheon, you can also avoid adding more to your waistline - not to mention cholesterol levels.

If your clients wish to have dessert and you feel inclined to oblige, then order a piece of fruit or a low calorie fruit dessert. Always order fresh fruit over processed fruit, as it is healthier for you and there is less sugar. Check the menu to see if a yogurt and fruit cup is offered. If the restaurant sells yogurt and fresh fruit but not together, find out if this is a combination that could be made for you.