The body needs food for energy, and therefore, you should not wait to eat until your body is screaming at you with hunger pangs. If you go without eating for long periods of time, this causes your blood sugar to dip very low, which can bring your energy down considerably. To prevent this, eat small amounts of food throughout your busy day. For example, you might choose to eat three meals throughout the day and have two snacks.
It is best for your health and energy levels if you choose complex carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar at a good place, and also this will ensure that you have plenty of energy and vitality. Good nutrition will provide much needed fuel for your brain, your muscles and joints, and many of your body's tissues. A basic example of this is meats, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit and a little bit of starch.
By monitoring your food intake and choosing healthy options, you can power your body and enjoy plenty of energy to excel in your business career.