What Happens When You Are Low On Sleep?

Unfortunately, many business people are so busy working 12 hour days that they shortchange themselves on the amount of sleep they actually require. Being deprived of adequate sleep for three days has been shown to cause problems with cravings of sugar, and a lack of focu. A lack of sleep can also usher in the onset of a variety of health problems, and contribute to arguments and upheaval in personal relationships.

A number of biological mechanisms in the body can be thrown off kilter when sleep is disrupted. This can lead to serious health concerns. Chronic insomnia is not a lack of sleep, but is poor sleep. If you suffer from insomnia on a regular basis, this can be a sign of an undiagnosed, serious medical disorder. Approximately 50 percent of the time, chronic insomnia can be traced back to anxiety, depression, grief or an overabundance of stress. Insomnia can also arise due to other types of health concerns, such as arthritis, asthma, and other breathing disorders, kidney disease, heart disease and hyperthyroidism.