In order to improve your sleep, you should end each day with an activity that is pleasurable and relaxing. Leave your work in the office or at least stop a few hours before bed like I do so that when you leave the office, you can get away from it and unwind in a healthy manner.
Develop healthy habits. Eat nutritiously throughout the day and engage in one form of exercise or another on a regular basis. Allow your body to get into a sleep rhythm by going to bed and waking up at approximately the same time every day (this includes weekends, holidays and days off).
Do not eat a big meal before you retire for the night. In addition, make sure you limit your sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake before bedtime. If you are a smoker, here is yet another reason to quit: cigarettes are stimulating to the central nervous system and can make it hard to fall asleep.
It is best to sleep in total darkness and not have the bathroom light or a night light shining in your eyes. Use your bedroom as the room for rest and relaxation. Refrain from watching television in your bedroom before you nod off and do not bring your laptop or Blackberry to bed with you!