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Sustanon - einfach "Omka" oder "Sust" - ist einer der unbestrittenen

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SO if i was you, just to test the waters, id honestly go 2 shots a week, equalling to 600 mgs of sustanon per week should do a nice number on your gains. Each body is different, mine reacted great to the sustanon, i was tested by the doctor while 2 months into the cycle, other then the main high testosterone, and a couple above normal counts ... Super Sustanon 300 is an oil-based injectable containing a blend of four different testosterone esters: Testosterone propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and caproate. Being as it is a four-ester testosterone.......................... Being a testosterone, you can also expect the typical set of androgenic side effects.

Wwe highly recommend to start with a dosage of 300 mg weekly. When you

get a feeling of the compound you may use higher doses of around 500-750

mg weekly. Yet, when Sustanon is combined with other steroids, doses of

500 mg per week are almost always enough. Re: Sustanon 300 mg - inject

frequency « Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 09:58:33 AM » if your gonna

do aas then do it right. hit it twice a week and train like an animal.

don't pussy foot around with it. before long start doing 1.5cc twice a

week. The numbers tell you how many milligrams of Sustanon are in 1

milliliter of the substance. I recommend using Sustanon 250 or Sustanon

300, because if the concentration of Sustanon is more than 300 mg per

milliliter the injections can be painful and usually, most labs put less

than 500 milligrams in Sustanon 500.