Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

Lay on your belly. Take a few breaths here, feeling the strong foundation beneath you. Relax into this foundation. Place your hands at your sides with the tops of your feet on the floor (toes pointed). Center your chin on the mat, looking down.

INHALE, pressing the tops of your feet into the mat. You will feel the legs activate and the knees lift away from the floor.Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 10.53.11 am.png

EXHALE, tucking the tailbone. The face of the pelvis will come into stronger contact with the mat, engaging the core.

INHALE, lifting the chest and the chin, broadening the collar bones. Draw the shoulders back and down, shoulder blades will contract towards each other. The fingertips will reach towards with the arms lifting off of the floor.

Keep the legs and core engaged and active, taking several breaths here.

EXHALE, release down onto the mat and rest.