
To bring your whole self to work, to be able to be whole in your relationship with others and with life and nature, you build on the following assumptions:

Equal worth

  • We are all of fundamental equal worth.
  • At the same time, our community will be richest if we let all members contribute in their distinctive way. We appreciate the differences in roles, education, backgrounds, interests, skills, characters and points of view.

Safe and caring workplace

  • Any situation can be approached from fear and separation or from love and connection. We choose love and connection.
  • We strive to create emotionally and spiritually safe environments, where each of us can behave authentically.
  • We honor the moods of love, care, appreciation, recognition, gratitude, curiosity, fun, playfulness…
  • We are comfortable with vocabulary like care, love, service, purpose, soul,... in the workplace.

Overcoming separation

  • We aim to have a workplace where we can honor all parts of us: the cognitive, the physical, emotional and spiritual; the rational and the intuitive, the feminine and the masculine.
  • We recognize that we are all deeply interconnected, part of something bigger and that includes nature and all forms of life.


  • Every problem is an invitation to learn and grow. We will always be learners. We have never arrived.
  • Failure is always a possibility, if we strive boldly for our purpose. We discuss failures openly and learn from them. Hiding or neglecting to learn from failure is not acceptable.
  • Feedback and respectful confrontation are gifts we share to help one another grow.
  • We focus on strengths more than weaknesses, on opportunities more than problems.

Relationships and conflict

  • It's impossible to change other people. We can only change ourselves.
  • Every person has life lessons they are meant to learn by themselves. What we can do is be there to support each other in that process of personal change.
  • We take ownership for our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions.
  • We don't spread rumors. We don't talk behind someone's back.
  • We resolve disagreements one-on-one and don't drag other people into the problem.
  • We don't blame problems on others. When we feel like blaming, we take it as an invitation to reflect on how we might be part of the problem (and the solution).