What makes a thematic area interesting to focus on?

The circular economy will look different and hold different opportunities according to the character and context of a city. The three indicators provided on Ganbatte Cities help to summarise and explore the different characters and opportunities for the circular economy in a given city.

Example: High jobs + Low mass + Low emissions

Consider a city that employs many people in Services, such as finance or marketing. Services likely have a relatively low direct ecological impact, but, if directed appropriately, could influence material consumption and emissions in other thematic areas due to their interconnectivity and pertinence within the city.

From a circular economy perspective, it could be interesting to explore this thematic area for its indirect influence or ability to enable the circular economy transition in other areas of the city, such as Manufacturing or Transportation.

Example: High mass + High emissions

Consider the material-intensive Built Environment. There might be an opportunity to transition to a circular Built Environment, which could grow employment and knowledge around the use of new materials, reuse of existing components, and more sustainable design choices and building practices. This would consequently reduce emissions as a result of the thoughtful implementation of circular business models.

These indicators only show a glimpse of the full character of a city. It's important to put the data in the full context of your city. Bring your own knowledge and understanding of the history and character of the city into your discussions!