The visual overlays the value chain with the circular actions on the vertical.
The value chain's current activities are to extract raw materials, process these materials into products used by industries and households, which are then-in a linear economy-wasted.
The circular strategies visible in the R-visual, from rethink through to recover, indicate the intervention points in this value chain where we can shift away from wasteful linear practice.
Before you extract: rethink the purpose for which you need the materials.
As a precursor to establishing economic activities, regenerate ecosystems and ensure natural systems can and will be preserved.
When processing materials: reduce the total amount of materials and resources required to produce and transport what is required to meet societal needs.
Reuse materials at their highest and best use as far upstream as possible.
Lastly, before you waste: recover residual value from materials and enable the reentry of materials into the system.