​Ten Good Governance Tips

  1. Have directors sign ethical conduct agreements, and keep to them.
  2. Spend time on building good relations on the board. The board makes decisions together so get to know your fellow directors and what makes them tick.
  3. Have good, well-chaired board meetings where things get done. That's where you'll do most of your work as directors, so make board meetings count.
  4. Make sure you have sound management-good governance depends on it.
  5. Listen to different views on the board, even if you don't agree with them. Once the board makes a decision, support it.
  6. Know your role. The directors have authority only as a governing body, acting together, not as roaming co-op police.
  7. Plan your business cycle. Know ahead of time what you want to get done in the coming 12 months.
  8. Act according to established by-laws/rules and policies; don't make it up as you go along. If you find some policies aren't working you can propose new ones to the members.
  9. Hold members' meetings regularly, but not more often than you really need. Don't waste your members' time.
  10. If you have committees, make sure they know what their roles are. Committees are advisory. Unlike the board, they don't have the authority to make decisions.