There are 3 different versions of the Pi.
There is the Model A, Model B Rev. 1 and Model B Rev. 2. The differences between Model A and B are shown in this table:
The difference between the two Model B revisions is mainly just a doubling of RAM from 256MB in the Rev 1 to 512MB in the Rev 2.
It is worth noting that I will only be referring to the Model B Pi and its 2.0 revision with 512MB of RAM, though Model A and Model B Rev 1 are very similar and will work essentially the same as the Model B Rev 2.
Though if I happen to know a certain part of the process won't work on a particular version of the Raspberry Pi I will mention it.
Though the Model B Rev 2 seems to be the most popular so it will be at the forefront.
Hopefully you are still with me that can get quite confusing but let us move on to what makes the Pi tick.