Choosing The Right SD Card For You And Your Pi

The SD Card will hold all your information that you want to store in your Pi, from the OS to your favourite song so it is crucial you choose the right SD Card for your Pi to make sure it functions as fast as it can. Though it is also worth nothing you get the right SD Card for your needs this means not buying a 64GB card when all you are doing is using it as a simple media centre.

It is up to you though what capacity you choose (as long as its over 2GB) but the speed is also very important.

You are looking for Class 10 SDHC cards for the optimum experience and nowadays these can be had for very cheap (8GB can be had for under a tenner easily). Also look out for trusted names like SanDisk, Samsung and Kingston.

Now there is just one more thing to take care of before we move on to installing an OS.