This is my Raspberry Pi case... I know it isn't a looker but it gets the job done.
This is just one of the few choices you have for securing your Pi against all the nasty things in the home that are out to break electronics. Lego does a very good job at protecting your Pi so if you have some spare lying about the house it is well worth trying to construct a nice home for your Pi there are two other alternatives though.
Punnet Case
The Punnet Case is a free template you can download off of the internet and print off onto some kind of cardboard and cut it out yourself. Here is a link to the template.
Buy a pre-made case
This should be a last resort because in the spirit of the Pi we should be making our own cases but if you lack the means to do so it is entirely possible to purchase high-quality Pi cases for very cheap. These are usually made out of clear plexiglass and can look very impressive.
This is it though for the hardware stuff lets move on to getting
our Pi's in a working and bootable state!