Setup An SFTP To Make Life Easy

This is an alternative step to the next step "Using Your Terminal" and I think it's simpler too so you may prefer to do things this way for now.

SFTP or "Secure File Transfer Protocol" is probably the easiest way to move around your server with a user interface you're more familiar with (it's called a GUI short for graphical user interface if you're curious about the technical terms).

There are a few apps out there that you can use to setup this secure link, but I'm going to use Cyberduck.

Once you have it installed, open the application up and click on "Open A Connection":

A little dropdown will, well, drop down. Select SFTP from the first option at the top (the default option is FTP as shown above):

Then, you need to fill in 3 specific fields: server, username, and password.

Server is the IP address of your droplet (emailed to you by Digital Ocean).

Username is root.

Password is the password that Digital Ocean emailed you (if you haven't changed it yet).

I'd recommend keeping the "Add to Keychain" box checked if the computer your using can be allowed to save your connection information (aka make it really easy to get back into your server later).

Now you'll get connected to the server, select the folder drop down at the top of the application window to navigate right to the root ( / ) where you'll see all your folders. Welcome to your server :)

Click on the "var" folder, then on "www", then on "ghost". This is where ghost is installed and where the server finds the files to send to the browser.

We're going to be changing some of the stuff in here to continue customizing your Ghost blog (themes) and configuring it (forgotten password email server).

You can easily edit any file on the server through your favourite text editor and Cyberduck by clicking on the file once (to highlight), then using the default application at the top next to the refresh button (mine is Sublime)

To configure your default text editor in Cyberduck, select it from the top menu and click preferences:

Then select the "Editor" tab and use the dropdown to pick your editor. I'd recommend also checking the box to avoid having to repeat this process: