Changing The Favicon

The favicon is the little icon that shows up on a browser tab next to your site title.

While there's no real function beyond branding, it might be preferable for you to not have the default Ghost favicon associated with your site.

To change your favicon, you first need to have one ready. If you need to make one, the simplest way is to use a generator like or Other wise get a friend who knows how to use photoshop to create a 16x16px .ico file for you.

Once you're ready to make the swap:

Open Cyberduck and navigate to /ghost/core/shared/

Delete the existing favicon file. Then drag and drop your new favicon in it's place. Cyberduck will upload it to the server.

Open your terminal and restart Ghost with the following command:

$ service ghost restart

You may or may not notice a change right away. Give it at least 24 hours to propagate properly.

You'll then be able to visit your Ghost blog and see your favicon in the tab: