Step 5: Invite People to your Channel

Now that you've setup your Guides account, you can start inviting people to access your guides and add their own. If you are an administrator on your account, you can invite people from the account administration section. If not, you can still invite people to your channel(s).

  1. Click on the people icon to the right of your channel title:
  2. Click on the "+ Invite People" button
  3. Enter the email of a person you want to invite. Once you've entered the email, there will be a dropdown that says "Invite By Email" - click on the email address below this to add them to the invite list
  4. Add additional email addresses, or type the names of people already in your account to add them to your channel
  5. Click on the "Invite as Admin" option If you want to give them administrative rights (the ability to add guides and edit guides in your channel)
  6. Add a short note to your invitation and click "Send"

The people you invite will receive an email with a button to join your Guides account.

Congratulations!!! You're successfully setup and running with your Guides account!