The Origin of the Problem

Do you own your business or does your business own you?

If you're like me, you started your business by following your passion.

Your passion led you to do the work so well that clients started to tell friends. And eventually you got busy with clients and hired other people to do the work for you.

But now instead of just having your work to do, you also had things like management, admin, finance, marketing and sales to do.

Maybe you jumped into a lease and took on more expenses adding to the pressure of making it all work out.

Well, congratulations. I honor you because very few have the guts to do that.

And though it's been a hustle, things are about to change.

If you're like me, on the way to growing your company you held onto parts you thought only you could do. That you enjoyed or were good at.

For many of the clients I've worked with it's admin, service, sales or management.

Sometimes they wear all the hats except the most important one and the one they can't seem to put on - the leadership hat.

This is the hat I hope this book will help nudge you to put on.

Because a leader isn't paid based on how hard they work. They're not paid on how long they work.

A leader is paid on the quality of their decisions.

And what makes for quality decisions?

A calm rested mind that's informed of the whole playing field.

It's common for me to hear business operators in discovery calls say that they are on the brink of burn out.

I'm empathetic to them because I've been there.

I remember hearing the news from the doctor.

It's a big reason I'm so passionate about showing leaders another way.

I hear business operators say:

That they spend their days putting out fires or running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

That all they do is work and don't have time for their family or their health.

That they've lost their passion and motivation.

That they're now doing all this grunt work that they hate.

They hate their business and even their life.

They tell me that they're stuck doing the same thing over and over again never really growing to the next level.

They get days where they want to give it all up and get a job.

They would love to sell it but they know they can't because they are their business.

Without them, there is no business.

But let's change all that.

If you put into action my ONVSIN® I guarantee you will get unstuck and get your time back.

Don't skim through to the method though - the perspective switch is just as important.

This book is a life buoy I'm throwing to you to save you from drowning in that never ending to-do list.

Hold on and I will pull you into the boat so you can finally catch a breath, collect yourself, recharge and get ready to build your empire.

This book is the starting point to working on your business vs in your business. A step toward building a business you will love. A business you will be so proud of. A business that will give you everything you dream of. The one you intended to build before you got caught in the chaos.

Let's get you unstuck.