A Tale of Two Gyms

I vividly remember my first job at a gym.

I was 17, fueled by youthful energy and a love for fitness. The owner, Ron, was a good guy, but a weary one. He constantly muttered about wanting to sell the gym when it hit a million in revenue. Even back then, the fatigue in his voice was palpable. He was stuck, working in the trenches, drowning in daily tasks, and the dream of freedom seemed miles away.

Fast forward a few years. Fueled by the lessons I learned (often by observing what not to do!), I started my own gym. It wasn't easy, but I focused on building a strong foundation. I implemented systems, delegated effectively, and prioritized strategic thinking. The results were phenomenal. Within a few years, I had not just one gym, but four thriving locations. We built a loyal clientele and became a number one brand in the industry. Ultimately, I decided to sell the studios, but that's another story.

Years later, curiosity drew me back to my old stomping ground - Ron's gym. A pang of sadness hit me as I walked through the door. Ron was there, but a different Ron. He wasn't the energetic owner I remembered. He was hunched over the front desk, the weight of the years etched on his face. The gym itself seemed deflated, a shadow of its former glory. I learned that Ron never sold the gym. He never achieved his dream of freedom. Worse yet, his health was really bad and he had also suffered a personal tragedy, losing his wife in a divorce. The once-thriving business was a shell of its former self.

As I walked out that day, a profound realization struck me. Ron's story wasn't a cautionary tale about the fitness industry; it was a stark illustration of the difference between working in your business and working on your business. He was stuck in the weeds, drowning in daily tasks, and the dream of freedom remained just that - a dream.

This book, my friend, is your guide to escaping that same fate. It's about empowering you to shift your focus, to become the architect of your business, not its prisoner.

The ONVSIN® method is the key that unlocks the door to freedom and growth. It's the knowledge I wish I had at 17, the knowledge that propelled me from a single gym to a thriving brand.

RON's story is a reminder that success isn't just about hard work; it's about working smart. It's about building a business that thrives because of your vision, not because of your constant presence. It's about building a business that works not because of you but without you.

Are you ready to break free from the cycle of being stuck? Are you ready to write your own success story? The power lies within you. Let's get you UNSTUCK.