The Bench in the Middle of Your Living Room

I often use this analogy with my clients. Imagine there's a bench in the middle of your living room. Every morning on your way to the kitchen, you walk by and stub your toe. You scream in pain, but instead of moving the bench, you shake it off and think to yourself, "I don't have the time or energy to move that right now," and keep walking towards the kitchen.

The next morning, the same thing happens again. You stub your toe, look at the bench, and think to yourself, "I don't have the time or energy to move that right now."

This is how most business owners operate their businesses.

They get an email, something happens and instead of fixing it at the core (moving the bench), they say they don't have the time or energy for it.

Eventually, the issues pile up and their days are filled with reacting to everyone's stuff.

To break the cycle, you need to be fed up. You need to say, "Okay, let me fix this once and for all and move the goddamn bench."

You need to start attacking problems at their core and stop them from happening again. You need to slow down and be more diligent with details. You need to think further into the future. You need to think of your business NOT as something you do but rather something you are building. That's how you get unstuck. That's how you get your time back.