The DIY Trap

Ron, who I mentioned before who owned the gym, decided to paint his 30 000 foot facility himself. Day in and day out I watched him spend hours painting the gym while running back and forth to pick up phone calls. He refused to pay someone to paint because he knew it was easy and could do it himself.

But what he didn't understand is that while he was painting there was more important things that weren't being done. While you're working IN your business. While you're answering prospects' emails. While you're scheduling appointments. While you're answering questions, serving clients, while you're doing, doing, doing, there's something much more important that isn't getting done.

And it's the work you're not doing that matters the most!

The strategic work, the communication work, the business development work that will lead your business forward, that will give you the life you want.

Many business owners believe they can save money by doing everything themselves, a mindset that ultimately hinders growth.

Think of it this way: you, as a human, have a limited amount of time and energy. Trying to be the marketer, accountant, and salesperson all at once restricts your business to your own capacity. This stifles innovation and strategic planning as you're constantly firefighting daily tasks.

There's also a fear of letting go. Stepping back feels risky, but clinging to control actually prevents your team from developing and limits your ability to scale effectively. Stop stealing their dreams. They want to move up too.

And let's not forget delegation. Without a good understanding of how to delegate tasks effectively, you can end up frustrating yourself and your team.

The truth is, successful businesses are built on collaboration, not solo acts. By overcoming these misconceptions, you get unstuck and reach a new level of potential for yourself and your company.

Paying people is something that comes with the journey.