3 Steps to Working ONVSIN® Your Business

This far into the book I'm sure you've come to realize that working on your business vs in your business is the key to getting unstuck and growing your business to new heights.

Before we get to the 3 step method.

Do a time audit of your calendar: Become a time detective! Track your activities for a few days, ruthlessly honest. Identify the time-wasters that keep you glued to your chair. Are you spending hours answering messages, on social media or tackling administrative tasks? Stop that. Delete or automate all the time wasters you can

The 3 step method I will share below is my own system and a powerful one to UNSTUCK yourself and start building your empire. It's been proven to work with hundreds of business owners all over the world.

And here it is for you to apply to your business.

Unveiling Your Untapped Potential:

  1. Do it
  2. Design it
  3. Delegate it

It's that simple.

Do it

When I started my first business Free Form Fitness I was wearing all the hats. I was a personal trainer, front desk clerk, manager, salesman, marketer and even the cleaner.

The first order of business was getting myself out of cleaning.

At first I just delegated to my front desk clerk. I said "keep the gym clean".

But of course that didn't happen. Every time I came into the gym I noticed that they had missed certain pieces of equipment. That they didn't move the mats when they vacuumed the carpet area. I had to tell them over and over again until one day I said "follow me I will show you how I like it done."

I had to do it myself first to know exactly how I wanted it documented and followed. This is the first step. Often it's a leap into the unknown. You jump into selling a client for the first time. When you're successful a handful of times you get a system. More important than what you do is how you do it.

Document it

Your process is in your head and needs to get out on paper. I then created a checklist of all the cleaning items and did videos to show the front desk clerk exactly how I wanted each line item done. Once documented they had something to follow.

You may be thinking that your process is much more complex. I understand, let me give you another example of someone who thought the same thing.

A client of mine who owned a rodent removal company had been doing sales himself for 12 years. People would send him an email from his website and then he would go to the person's home, knock on the door and talk to the owner. He asked a few key questions like "where are the rodents?" He then made his way around the house looking for a hole. He looked in the attic then got his ladder and looked on the roof until he figured out where they were getting in the house.

When he found it, he knocked on the door again and offered the homeowner 3 different options to fix the problem.

When I first asked him what he did he said that it was different every time. That it was intuitive. But as I asked him questions I was writing down his answers.

I kept asking questions like:

"What do you say when you get to the door?"
"What other scenarios happen?"
"What other options do you have for them?"
"What if you can't find where they get in?"

When we were done exhausting all options I showed him a piece of paper with his whole sales system.

In 1 session I had documented his whole sales process.

I put his 12 year proven method on paper and he couldn't believe it.

There's a method to your madness too. You have to get it out of your head.

I like to use Guides.co to make it easy to navigate for employees that will use these guides. It's important that it's orderly and inspiring as your staff will have to find information quickly.

Document your newly designed system in a clear, concise guide. This manual empowers anyone on your team to follow the steps, ensuring consistency and freeing you from the burden of micromanagement.

Crossing the Chasm

A note before I continue down to the third step. The first 2 parts are easy. But now this is the moment many entrepreneurs fail. The fear of letting go, spending money and delegating can be crippling.

But remember, investing in a system isn't a cost; it's an investment in your freedom and your business's future. Think of it as a delayed gratification exercise - a short-term sacrifice for a long-term win.

Delegate it

Hire or promote: Now that you have your process laid out in a guide for someone to follow it's time to find the right person to become your clone. You can promote from within or you can put out an ad for someone new. What's important is that they follow the guide in the exact way that you did it.

That means you need to train them on it. Get them to read the guide. Watch the videos. And then put them to the test.

We only remember 10% of what we hear. We hear, we forget. We see, we remember. We do, we understand.

Get your people to the point of understanding.

That means role play with them until they do it perfectly.

Now repeat this process with every function in your company and you will be on your way to building a well oiled machine that won't be dependent on you.

That's it!