Of all the components of the user lifecycle, retention is probably the most important metric for freemium apps and free-to-play games. Retention is indeed a direct factor in the computation of the lifetime customer value (LTV) of the users acquired. For instance, early retention metrics such as Day 3 retention can serve as proxies to assess traffic quality for ROI-positive user acquisition campaigns. Needless to say, retention is also a strong indication of the general quality of the app and its user experience.
The thing is that, however paramount it is for app publishers, retention has a problem. Everyone talks about it, but there seems to be no clear consensus on a common definition of what retention really means nor how it is actually calculated.The truth is that there are several ways to compute this metric, all of which lead to sensibly different results. In turn, people often end up comparing apples with oranges.
The purpose of this article is not to affirm which definition is the right one, but rather to establish a list of the main retention computation methods, and take a look at what they are good for. No method is necessarily better than another in absolute terms, they are just suited for different analytical goals. We came up with five different types of retention. Of these, three are most commonly referred to, and two are less widespread calculation methods which can nonetheless be put to good use. Please note that the names we gave each of them are not all "official" denominations, but rather chosen to give the best description of what they are actually about.
Generally, all of the retention metrics can be calculated the
following way:For each of the methods below,
we took the example of Day 28 retention calculated
across the different definitions. Here is the legend for the
Main types of user retention:
It's worth noting that, if you compare
the same metric across these definitions, the resulting retention
rates will be ranked in decreasing order. Logically, the Day 28
full retention is indeed always lower than the Day 28 classic
retention, which itself is always inferior to the Day 28 rolling
retention.Additional types of user retention:
We hope to have given
you a rather comprehensive overview of the main ways to compute
user retention in a mobile app or game. It is up to game developers
and publishers to understand which definitions can be useful to
them and what target levels they should aim for. Always keep in
mind that retention metrics are highly dependent on the type and
category of the app/game. So, next time you hear someone talk about
retention, don't forget to ask them: "Yes, but which one"?