
In this section, we have compiled plans that focus specifically on green infrastructure. These leading examples show how prioritizing green infrastructure can be a driving force in long-term municipal planning and development.

The chart below provides an overview of the resources available in this category. For more details, see the page dedicated to that resource (in the menu on the left).

Location Title Year GI Category
Saskatoon Towards an Interconnected Green Network: Saskatoon's Green Infrastructure Strategy 2020 All
Barcelona Barcelona Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan 2020 2020 All
City of Vancouver City of Vancouver Rain City Strategy 2019 Stormwater Management
Halifax Halifax: Green Network Plan 2018 All
Edmonton Breathe Edmonton's Green Network Strategy 2016 All
City of Chicago Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategy 2014 Stormwater Management
Hoboken, NJ Hoboken Green Infrastructure Strategic Plan 2013 Stormwater Management
New York City NYC Green Infrastructure Plan: A Sustainable Strategy for Clean Waterways 2012 Stormwater Management