Green Infrastructure: Guide for Water Management. Ecosystem Based Management Approaches for Water-related Infrastructure Projects

Organization: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Year of publication: 2014

Type of green infrastructure: Stormwater Management

Summary: The aim of this guide is to raise awareness of the benefits of green infrastructure (GI) solutions for water resources management and to provide a basis for informed assessment of options among green and grey infrastructure alternatives. It explores the potential applicability of GI solutions, either as stand-alone solutions or integrated within hybrid approaches (a mutually complimentary mix of green and grey infrastructure). The target audience for the guide is water managers, spatial planners, decision and policy makers, infrastructure engineers, and other stakeholders planning and implementing projects for water management, or those that have a strong interest in such decisions and projects.

Link: WEB-UNEP-DhiGroup-Green-infrastructure-Guide-EN-20140814.pdf 3 MB