Ontario Landscape Tree Planting Guide

Organization: Landscape Ontario and Vineland Research and Innovation Centre

Year of publication: 2019

Type of green infrastructure: Urban Forestry

Summary: The Ontario Landscape Tree Planting Guide is intended for landscape architects, landscape designers, landscape contractors, urban forest managers, horticulturists, and other professionals who understand tree attributes and tree requirements, and who have a working knowledge of terms commonly used in the horticultural trades. The recommendations in this guide are intended to be specific to Ontario and are consistent with the Canadian Landscape Standard. All landscape trees should be nursery-grown and in compliance with the current edition of the Canadian Nursery Stock Standard.

Link: https://landscapeontario.com/a...

Vineland has also published videos to supplement the Guide, available at the links below.

Part 1 - Best Practices for Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees (1 of 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgY3FCqbrEk

Part 2 - Best Practices for Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees (2 of 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hDqKQ2j778

Part 3 - Best Practices for Selecting and Planting Landscape Trees (3 of 3)
