Organic Land Care Standard

Organization: Society for Organic Urban Land Care

Year of Publication: 2016

Type of Green Infrastructure: all

Summary: This standard was developed by the Society for Organic Urban Land Care (SOUL) in response to the need for clear guidelines for the creation and maintenance of landscapes for environmental, recreational, ornamental and food production reasons, following organic principles.

This standard aims to:
- provide a clear definition of the practices, materials and substances employed in Organic land care;
- provide guidance to Organic land care practitioners in their decision making processes;
- raise the awareness of the ecological requirements of landscapes;
- provide credibility for Organic land care professionals and to protect the public from misleading practices and claims.

This standard is not intended to provide all the information needed for successful Organic land care. Such information must be obtained through formal education and practical experience.

This standard has been drafted to address Organic land care requirements in diverse environments across many geographic regions. The requirements under this standard must be implemented with utmost sensitivity to local environmental conditions.

This 7th Edition is based on the 2015 version of the Canadian Organic Standards and the 2017 proposed amendments to those standards.

SOUL also published case studies, including:

Case Study of the Use of Organic Land Care Practices in a City Park: Corktown Common Park Corktown Commons Case Study.pdf 6 MB

Study of the Use of Organic Land Care Practices at a Health Care Campus: SUNNYBROOK HEALTH SCIENCES CENTRE


SOUL-Standards-7Edition-Final.pdf 7 MB