There is a direct link between this 5th Principle and the co-operative values of self-help and self-responsibility.
Individuals develop personally through co-operative action with others, by the skills they learn in facilitating the growth of their co-operative, by the understanding they gain of their fellow-members and by the insights they gain about the wider society of which they are a part. In these respects, co-operatives are institutions that foster the continuing education and development of all those involved with them.
This fostering of continuing education is not a narrow focus on the internal needs of a co-operative enterprise for its members to be adequately educated and informed. It also recognises the wider benefits of member education that enables members to develop the knowledge and skills that are transferable to other aspects of their lives. It helps them become self-reliant. engaging or re-engaging with education in a co-operative often proves to be the springboard for members to embrace other life-long learning opportunities and builds their confidence to do so.