Key Characteristics Of Co-operation Among Co-operatives

Key characteristics of effective practice in co-operation among co-operatives include:

  • Openness and transparency: co-operatives participating in local, national, and international co-operative structures respect and practice openness and transparency in their dealings with each other.
  • Accountability: the strategy for inter-co-operative action should be brought to and approved by the general assembly of a co-operative's members; it should not to be simply a board or management decision. It is good practice for the annual report of a co-operative to include a report on inter-co-operative co-operation and how the co-operative has applied this 6th Principle.
  • Representation: decision making within ventures between multiple co-operatives is equitable and representative of the interests of each co-operative's members and community.
  • Flexibility: by nature, co-operation involves unknowns when multiple parties with multiple voices, backgrounds and opinions come together. A commitment to flexibility allows co-operators to compromise, innovate and bring about more effective results. It takes co-operatives back to the linguistic roots of their name 'co-operative', which derives from the Latin verb for "working together". Working together requires flexibility and an understanding that no one person or group can be permitted to dominate the process.
  • Reciprocity: effective co-operation involves mutual benefit. throughout the lifecycle of individual co-operatives there are times when they will need support and others when they will be capable of giving it. Reciprocity is the bedrock of trust and mutual trust is the foundation of co-operation. Co-operatives that adhere to this 6th Principle will reciprocate, giving and receiving mutual assistance from other co-operatives over time.
  • Adherence to the Co-operative Identity: this involves more than just being a co-operative in name only. It means upholding and acting in accordance with the Co-operative values and Principles as defined in the Alliance's Statement on the Co-operative Identity.