The Vital Role Of The Alliance: The Ultimate International Co-op Structure

The foundation of the Alliance in London, england, in 1895 as the representative association of all co-operative enterprises is a global example of this fundamental 6th Principle of Co-operation among Co-operatives. All co-operatives, in every country of the world, should value and exercise their right to participate as members of the International Co-operative Alliance.

the Alliance is the largest democratic membership organisation in the world. the Alliance has consultative status to the UN economic and Social Council and general consultative status with the ILo, the latter dating back to the 1940s. the Alliance also holds a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations food and Agriculture organization. the Alliance's global reach and regional organisations promote and build friendship and respect between co-operatives in different nations and cultures. Its global sectoral organisations and thematic committees enable members to share knowledge and expertise specific to particular types of co-operative businesses and enhance mutual support and assistance, whilst national, regional and global cross-sectoral support helps build the co-operative sector of the global economy.

As an officially recognised global representative organisation, recognised especially through the provisions of ILo recommendation 193, the Alliance also has the power to intercede on behalf of co-operative movements in countries where they are threatened by governments that lack understanding of the principles on which co-operative enterprise is based, a power the Alliance uses effectively.

this 6th Principle serves as an exhortation to all co-operatives to support the Alliance through membership or associate membership, to participate in its general assemblies, regional organisations and sectoral organisations and to ensure that the Alliance is adequately resourced by willingly paying appropriate membership fees directly or through membership of its national apex or federal members. the value of the Alliance should never be underestimated.