Using Our Shared Co-operati Ve Identity

The practical application of the 6th Principle includes broadcasting our shared co-operative identity to the world through the use of the international Co-operative Marque to brand your co-operative enterprise and using the DotCoop domain name for your co-operative's on-line presence. The use of both the Co-operative Marque and a DotCoop domain name which identifies a co-operative business is an excellent way to encourage members and others to trade with a co-operative by clearly showing its identity. Developing directories of co-operative businesses, creating and participating in local campaigns, holding regional events that cross-promote co-operatives from different business sectors and organising shared purchasing of co-operatively branded promotional materials also helps to identify and market co-operative businesses.

A stronger sense of collective identity can be used to raise the profile of co-operatives as wealth generators and a leading model of sustainable economic development.