Social Sustainability: A Commitment To Peace And Social Justice

Many co-operatives also provide extensive assistance to sustainable social development by supporting the growth of co-operatives throughout the developing world. It is a tradition of which co-operators should be proud, reflecting concern for global social sustainability that all co-operatives should emphasise and emulate. this is important because the notion of 'community', whilst being primarily local, is not exclusively so. We increasingly live in a global community connected through media and the power of virtual communication technologies.

Although co-operatives are rooted in local communities, co-operators are citizens of the world. Conflict is the antithesis of co-operation. Co-operatives and co-operators have a long tradition of being concerned about and working for peace and social justice. Like the ILo, co-operatives recognise that lasting peace can only be built on social justice and that lasting peace is the essential precondition for the sustainable development of communities locally, nationally, regionally and globally. There are many examples of the commitment of co-operatives and co-operators to peace and stability. Co-operatives should ensure that their commitment to work for the sustainable development of their communities includes a commitment to work for and promote peace and social justice.